Prof. Dr. Liliana Ruth Feierstein

Liliana Ruth Feierstein (Buenos Aires) studied in Buenos Aires, México and Vancouver. PhD in philosophy (Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf). She was postdoctoral researcher by the European Research Council and Fellow at the Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano.
Since 2014 Professor for Transcultural Jewish History at the Humboldt University Berlin and Selma Stern Zentrum für Jüdische Studien
Prof. Dr. Margareta Gruber OSF

Margareta Gruber OSF, Professorin für Neues Testament und Biblische Theologie, Katholische Fakultät der Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule Vallendar/Koblenz. Von 2009 – 2013 Inhaberin des Laurentius-Klein-Lehrstuhls für Biblische und Ökumenische Theologie an der Abtei Dormitio Mariae in Jerusalem.
Prof. Dr. Micha Brumlik

Micha Brumlik, born 1947, is a senior advisor at the Selma Stern Center for Jewish Studies Berlin/Brandenburg; he is emeritus professor at the Institute for Educational Sciences at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main, from 2000 till 2005 he was head oft he Fritz-Bauer-Institute in Frankfurt am Main, an independent interdisciplinary research and education center on the history of the Holocaust and its impact; he was city councellor of the Green party from 1989-2001 in Frankfurt am Main; from 1997-1998 invited Paul lecture at the University of Indiana, Bloomington, he was fellow at the Cultural Studies Institute Essen; in 2013 he held a Harris distinguished visiting professorship at Dartmouth College; since 2013 he is senior professor at the Center for Jewish Studies Berlin/Brandenburg; in the summer term of 2016 he was visiting professor at the Franz Rosenzweig University Kassel, he was co-editor of „Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik“, author and columnist at taz: „Gott und die Welt“, co-editor of „Jalta Positionen zur jüdischen Gegenwart“
Latest book publications: 2009; Entstehung des Christentums, Berlin 2010; ”Innerlich beschnittene Juden”, Publishing House: Konkret Literatur Verlag, 2012; Messianisches Licht und menschliche Würde. Politische Theorie aus den Quellen des Judentums, Baden-Baden 2013. „Wann, wenn nicht jetzt? Versuch über die Gegenwart des Judentums“ – Berlin 2015 ; mit Christina v. Braun (ed.), Handbuch Jüdische Studien, Wien- Köln-Weimar 2018; (ed.) “Handbuch Jüdische Studien”, Berlin 2018 mit Christina v. Braun; Preußisch, konservativ, jüdisch: Hans-Joachim Schoeps’ Leben und Werk, Köln 2019: Hegels Juden, Berlin 2019; 100 Seiten: Antisemitismus, Ditzingen 2020; Postkolonialer Antisemitismus? Achille Mbembe, die palästinensische BDS Bewegung und andere Aufreger, Berlin 2021
Dagmar Mensik

Dagmar Mensink is a Catholic theologian and works as a coordinator for fundamental questions of religious policy in the State Chancellery of Rhineland-Palatinate and, together with Rabbi Prof. Dr. Andreas Nachama, voluntarily heads the discussion group “Jews and Christians” at the Central Committee of German Catholics.
She is also a member of the Subcommission for Religious Relations with Judaism of the German Bishops’ Conference.
Prof. Dr. Liliane Weissberg

Liliane Weissberg is Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor in Arts and Sciences and Professor of German and Comparative Literature at the University of Pennsylvania.
She has taught as a visiting professor at universities in the United States, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, and has held appointments as the Ernst Cassirer Professor in Philosophy at the University of Hamburg, the Kurt Brühl Professor in Jewish Studies at the University of Graz, and the Franz Rosenzweig Professor at the University of Kassel. Weissberg is the recipient of numerous awards, including the American ACLS, Fulbright, and Guggenheim Fellowships, the German Alexander von Humboldt Prize for her life’s work, and the Berlin Prize, American Academy in Berlin.
Among her recent book publications are: Münzen, Hände, Noten, Finger: Berliner Hofjuden und die Erfindung einer deutschen Musikkultur (2018); Nachträglich, grundlegend: Der Kommentar als Denkform in der jüdischen Moderne von Hermann Cohen bis Jacques Derrida (mit Andreas Kilcher; 2018); Benjamim Veitel Ephraim: Kaufmann, Schriftsteller, Geheimagent (2021) und Psychoanalysis, Fatherhood, and the Modern Family (2021).
Prof. Dr. Dominique Bourel

Dominique Bourel, born on the 25.01.1952, studied philosophy and the history of religion in Paris (Sorbonne), Heidelberg, Mainz (Institute for European History) and Harvard.
Directeur de recherche (research professor) at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS Paris). Guest Professorships at German Universities in Berlin: (Freie Universität and Humboldt Universität), Potsdam, Kassel
Book publications: Specialist for German-Jewish intellectual history, articles and books on Moses Mendelssohn, Martin Buber and numerous scientific essays
Prof. Dr. Vivian Liska

Vivian Liska is Professor of German literature and Director of the Institute of Jewish Studies at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. She is also, since 2013, Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Faculty of the Humanities at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research focuses on literary theory, German modernism, and German-Jewish authors and thinkers.
She is the editor of the book series “Perspectives on Jewish Texts and Contexts” (De Gruyter, Berlin), co-editor of the Yearbook of the Society for European-Jewish Literature, and Arcadia. International Journal of Literary Studies. Her recent book publications include Giorgio Agambens leerer Messianismus; When Kafka Says We. Uncommon Communities in German-Jewish Literature and German-Jewish Thought and its Afterlife. A Tenuous Legacy.