Jesuits and Jews

June 30 – July 4, 2024

Katholische Akademie in Berlin

Photo: St. Canisius (Berlin), CC Wikimedia Commons

Jesuits and Jews

June 30 – July 4, 2024
Katholische Akademie in Berlin

Die Gruppe der “Jesuits Among Muslims” (JAM) sowie der „Jesuits and Jews“ (J&J) versammelt Jesuiten aus allen fünf Kontinenten, die sich im christlich-muslimischen bzw. im christlich-jüdischen Dialog engagieren, um ihre Erfahrungen gemeinsam zu reflektieren und zu teilen. Sie arbeiten in unterschiedlichsten Bereichen und treffen sich jeweils alle zwei Jahre, um einen Raum des gemeinsamen Nachdenkens über gegenwärtige Dynamiken im Islam und im Verhältnis zu Muslimen bzw. über gegenwärtige Dynamiken im Judentum und im Verhältnis zu Juden zu schaffen. Im Juli 2024 treffen sich fünfunddreißig von ihnen für eine Woche an der Katholischen Akademie in Berlin.


Conference Program

 Sunday, June 30: Starting J&J and JAM together 
16:00Getting together and introducing our meeting
17:00Sunday Mass
Katholische Akademie, St. Thomas von Aquin Church
Katholische Akademie, Ground floor
Katholische Akademie, Third floor
 Monday, July 1 
 9:00Guided Tour by Marc Wrasse, J&J and JAM together 
“Berlin. The (Un)Making of Democracy”
Spree Island – Oldest Church in Berlin – House of One – Protestant Cathedral – Castle – University (coffee break) – Catholic Cathedral – Memorial to the burning of books – Unter den Linden to Brandenburg Gate – Monument of the Holocaust.
Lunch in the city centre
Afternoon J&J only: Jewish Museum and Jewish Enlightenment in Berlin guided by Marc Wrasse
Holy Mass
Katholische Akademie, St. Thomas von Aquin Church
19:30Dinner in Jewish restaurant
 Tuesday, July 2 
  8:30Meeting with Rabbi Daniel Fabian on Jewish Orthodoxy 
in Germany today
10:00Meeting with Prof. Rainer Kampling: Jewish-Christian Dialogue in Berlin – Catholics facing Jewish-Protestant Dialogue
11:15Travelling to Potsdam to the Abraham Geiger Kolleg.
Meeting with Rabbi Andreas Nachama on Progressive Judaism in Germany and its challenges
14:15Lunch at the Mensa of the University followed by a walk through the parc of the Castle Sanssouci of King Friedrich the Great and the historical city centre of Potsdam 
17:30 – 19:15Exchange among ourselves on our projects, experiences, commitments in dialogue with Jews and Judaism
19:30Holy Mass
Katholische Akademie, St. Thomas von Aquin Church
20:15Dinner with Prof. Elad Lapidot and Dr. Stephan Steiner from The Berlin Centre for Intellectual Diaspora
 Wednesday, July 3 
Parting of the Ways: Judaism, Christianity and Islam 
in late Antiquity
  9:00 –10:15Mr. Dirk Hartwig: Qur’anic research in Germany: A Historical- Critical “Relecture” (Jewish Studies, Corpus Coranicum), Lecture and discussion
10:30 – 11:45Prof. Angelika Neuwirth: Lecture and discussion
12:00Dr. Tuğrul Kurt: How do you receive historical-critical exegesis in your own theological work? Lecture and discussion
13:00German Lunch
Jewish-Muslim Dialogue in Germany
Katholische Akademie, Third Floor, Conference Hall
15:00 – 16:30Meeting two protagonists of the Denkfabrik Schalom-Aleikum:
Dr. Dmitrij Belkin (Central Council of Jews in Germany) &
Mr. Eren Güvercin (co-founder of Alhambra Society):
Jews in Germany, Muslims in Germany: Rivals in Solidarity?
Jesuits, Jews and Muslims
17:00Personal time: What remains in me after these days?
17:45Sharing among J&J and among JAM
18:30Assembly J&J and JAM
19:30Holy Mass
 Thursday, July 4 

#intellectualdiaspora is an initiative by the Katholische Akademie in Berlin e.V.

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