Workshop at the Catholic Academy of Berlin
Illuminations from Aquinas and Maimonides
and Meanings Today
June 11–12, 2025
Images: Maimonides, Photogravure, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons / Aquinas, Justus van Gent, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Illuminations from Aquinas and Maimonides and Meanings Today
Workshop at the Catholic Academy of Berlin
June 11–12, 2025
We would like to invite participants for a conference, “Illuminations from Aquinas and Maimonides and Meanings Today.” The conference is hosted by the Catholic Academy’s Center for Intellectual Diaspora, forum for scholarly exchange on questions of contemporary politics, religion, society, and culture. Participants are drawn primarily from the Catholic and Jewish traditions, and the Center seeks exchange as well with other traditions – Islamic, other Christian denominations, and African, Asian, and other transnational communities. The Center brings together theory and politics and international academics and decision-makers.
The two-day conference will include a public lecture and several panels, each with contributions from scholars with expertise in Maimonides and Aquinas to engender as much cross-illumination as possible. All scholars are free to develop their own topics in a 20-minute presentation with an eye to a subject that would engage participants from both traditions. Topics may draw from philosophy, theology, metaphysics, cosmology, anthropology, ethics, etc. and the scholarly methodologies and debates employed in interpreting these thinkers.
Some examples include: the nature of God, God’s relationship to world and ordering of the cosmos, God and science, creation/emanation, the nature of nature and of humanity, how humanity knows (or doesn’t know) of God’s existence, via negativa/apophasis, the summum bonum, the ordering of personal and community/political living, theodicy, reward/punishment, providence, the meaning and purpose of revelation, of prayer, ritual, morality, commandments, prophecy, miracles, redemption, salvation, and notions of the messianic era. In addition: past and present debates about any of the above and discussion of the methods appropriate to studying and interpreting Aquinas and Maimonides. But we stress again that scholars are free to develop their own topics.
Prof. Dr. Marcia Pally, New York University / Humboldt University Berlin
Dr. Stephan Steiner, Catholic Academy of Berlin
Prof. Dr. Patrick Zoll SJ, Munich School of Philosophy
Wednesday, June 11, 2025 | |
3:00 pm | Welcome Reception & Introduction Marcia Pally (New York University/Humboldt University of Berlin) Patrick Zoll SJ (Munich School of Philosophy) Stephan Steiner (Katholische Akademie Berlin) |
3:30 pm | Panel I Hans Blumenberg on Maimonides and Aquinas: A Previously Unpublished Lecture Omer Michaelis, Tel Aviv University The Earliest Christian Reception of Maimonides: Exegesis and the Christian-Jewish Debate in Toledo Lucy Pick, University of Chicago |
5:00 pm | Coffee break |
6:00pm | Public Evening Debate Maimonides on the State, Divine Law, and Individual Perfection Josef Stern, University of Chicago TBA Barbara Hallensleben, University of Fribourg Chair: Ufuk Topkara, Humboldt University of Berlin |
8:00 pm | Joint dinner for the conference participants |
Thursday, June 12, 2025 | |
8:45 am | Morning Prayer at the Chapel Saint Thomas Aquinas (offered by the Academy; optional) |
9:15 am | Panel II Can We Know the Essence of a Simple God? Thomas Aquinas’s Critique of Maimonides in De potentia Patrick Zoll SJ, Munich School of Philosophy Rethinking Some Pre-Modern Reasoning on Knowing God and Divine Transcendence Richard Taylor, Marquette University |
10:45 am | Coffee break |
11:15 am | Maimonides on Angels: The Strange Case of the Cherub James Diamond, University of Waterloo Animal Suffering From Rabbi Moses to Aquinas and Beyond James Dominic Rooney OP, Hong Kong Baptist University |
12:45 pm | Lunch |
1:45 pm | Panel III The Relationship between Prudence and Metaphysics in St. Thomas Aquinas Mary Hirschfeld, University of Notre Dame Obstacles to Acquired Virtue in Aquinas Angela Knobel, University of Dallas Maimonides and Aquinas on the Different Types of Law Howard Kreisel, Ben-Gurion University |
4:00 pm | Coffee break |
4:30 pm | The Definition of Belief in Medieval Jewish Philosophy Shalom Sadik, Ben-Gurion University What does it save? And who is saved? Maimonides and Thomas Aquinas in dialogue Marienza Benedetto, University of Bari |
6:00 pm | Light Supper |
7:00 pm | Public Evening Debate From Fear to Love: Philosophy and Self-Transfomation in Maimonides Moshe Halbertal, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Transformed by Knowledge: How Catherine of Siena Put Thomas Aquinas’s Theology into Action Christina J. Van Dyke, Columbia University Chair: Felix Körner SJ, Humboldt University of Berlin |
8:30 pm | Public Reception & Farewell |