Jesuits among Muslims
June 30 – July 5, 2024
Katholische Akademie in Berlin
Photo: St. Canisius (Berlin), CC Wikimedia Commons
Jesuits among Muslims
June 30 – July 5, 2024
Katholische Akademie in Berlin
Die Gruppe der “Jesuits Among Muslims” (JAM) sowie der „Jesuits and Jews“ (J&J) versammelt Jesuiten aus allen fünf Kontinenten, die sich im christlich-muslimischen bzw. im christlich-jüdischen Dialog engagieren, um ihre Erfahrungen gemeinsam zu reflektieren und zu teilen. Sie arbeiten in unterschiedlichsten Bereichen und treffen sich jeweils alle zwei Jahre, um einen Raum des gemeinsamen Nachdenkens über gegenwärtige Dynamiken im Islam und im Verhältnis zu Muslimen bzw. über gegenwärtige Dynamiken im Judentum und im Verhältnis zu Juden zu schaffen. Im Juli 2024 treffen sich fünfunddreißig von ihnen für eine Woche an der Katholischen Akademie in Berlin.
Conference Program
Sunday, June 30 | |
16:00 | Coffee & cake Katholische Akademie, Third floor |
17:00 | Introducing our meeting |
18:00 | Sunday Mass Katholische Akademie, St. Thomas von Aquin Church |
19:00 | Dinner Katholische Akademie, Ground floor |
Then | Socializing Katholische Akademie, Third floor |
Monday, July 1 | |
8:00 | Breakfast at your Hotel |
8:45–16.00 | Guided Tour: Berlin. The (Un)Making of Democracy Starting from Hotel Aquino, passing by Hotel Bonhoeffer at 9:00 am |
16:30 | Mansur Doğan: Muslims in Germany. A sociological introduction |
18:30 | Holy Mass Katholische Akademie, St. Thomas von Aquin Church |
19:30 | Turkish Dinner |
Tuesday, July 2 | |
Islamic Research Reloaded. Meeting Key Muslim Players. | |
8:00 | Breakfast |
Walk to | Berliner Institut für Islamische Theologie (BIT): Hannoversche Str. 6 |
9:00 | Prof. Serdar Kurnaz: Islamic Theology in the German speaking world |
10:30 | Prof. Mira Sievers: How do you receive historical-critical exegesis in your own theological work? |
12:00 | Prof. Tuba Işık: How is contemporary Islamic theology passed on in schools (religious education), mosques and on the book market? |
13:10 | Lunch at Katholische Akademie |
15:30 | Taking stock together Katholische Akademie, Third Floor |
Walk to | Deutsche Islam Akademie: Große Hamburger Straße 19a |
16:30 | Mrs. Pınar Çetin: Why Berlin needed a platform for debate in dignity and diversity Imam Ender Çetin: Islamic thought meets Muslim reality. Joys and pains in pastoral care |
19:30 | Holy Mass Katholische Akademie, St. Thomas von Aquin Church |
20:30 | Dinner Casalot Restaurant: Claire-Waldoff-Strasse 5 |
Wednesday, July 3 | |
Late Antiquity. A new approach to reading the Qur’an Study Day, in collaboration with the “Jesuits and Jews” group | |
8:00 | Breakfast Katholische Akademie, Third Floor |
9:00 | Mr. Dirk Hartwig: Qur’anic research in Germany: A Historical-Critical “Relecture”. (Science of Judaism, Corpus Coranicum, and Angelika Neuwirth’s work) |
10:30 | Prof. Angelika Neuwirth: The Qur’an in Late Antiquity—and in Present-Day Europe |
12:00 | Dr. Tuğrul Kurt: How do you receive historical-critical exegesis in your own theological work? |
13:00 | Lunch at Katholische Akademie |
Jews and Muslims. Current dynamics Katholische Akademie, Third Floor, Conference Hall | |
15:00 | Denkfabrik Schalom-Aleikum Dr. Dmitrij Belkin, Mr. Eren Güvercin: Jews in Germany, Muslims in Germany. Rivals in Solidarity? |
Jesuits, Jews and Muslims | |
17:00 | Reflection and sharing |
18:30 | Assembly |
19:30 | Holy Mass Katholische Akademie, St. Thomas von Aquin Church |
20:30 | Dinner at Katholische Akademie |
Thursday, July 4 | |
JAM Meeting (1) Encountering Muslims, Encountering Islam | |
8:00 | Breakfast Katholische Akademie, Third Floor |
9:00 | Asia: Heru Prakosa – Albert Alejo – Victor Edwin – Midhun J F Kochukallan – Remigiusz Kalski Africa: Etienne Mborong Senyuy – Maurice Manamba – Thomas A.D. Ramadhani – Oscar Angaga Nduri – Shepherd Muhamba |
13:00 | Lunch at Katholische Akademie |
15:00 | MENA (1): David M. Neuhaus – Garrett Gundlach – Ryan Birjoo – Gerry Baumgartner |
17:00 | MENA (2): Aziz Hallak – Jesús Manuel León Blanco – Christophe Ravanel – Jean-Marc Balhan |
19:30 | Holy Mass Katholische Akademie, St. Thomas von Aquin Church |
20:30 | Dinner at Katholische Akademie |
Friday, July 5 | |
JAM Meeting (2) Encountering Muslims, Encountering Islam | |
8:00 | Breakfast Katholische Akademie, Third Floor |
9:00 | America – Australia – Europe (1): Laurent Basanèse – Dan Madigan – Tobias Specker – John Moffatt America – Australia – Europe (2): Bryan Manning – José Yamid Castiblanco |
Regional Networks & Collaborative Works | |
11:45 | Panel: Heru Prakosa, Tobias Specker, et al. |
13:00 | Lunch at Katholische Akademie |
JAM Dynamics | |
15:00 | Diego Sarrio Cucarella, M. Afr.: The Jesuit approach to ‘encountering Muslims and Islam.’ Strengths and weaknesses, challenges and opportunities Laurent Basanèse: Encountering Muslims and Islam in the Church of Pope Francis. Calls for today Heru Prakosa: Encountering Muslims and Islam in the light of the last GCs and of the DSS: calls for today |
16:00 | Personal reflection and sharing At the end of our gathering, what remains in me? What call did I hear? What is/are the call(s) that resonate(s) in me most, personally, and for “Jesuits among Muslims” |
19:45 | Thanksgiving Mass Katholische Akademie, St. Thomas von Aquin Church |
20:30 | Dinner at Katholische Akademie |
Saturday, July 6 | |
Departure |